Past events/conferences


30 January 2024 - Droit à la déconnexion


La loi du 28 juin 2023 portant modification du Code du travail en vue d’introduire un dispositif relatif au droit à la déconnexion est entrée en vigueur le 4 juillet 2023.

Ainsi, pour les salariés qui utilisent des outils numériques à des fins professionnelles, un régime assurant le droit à la déconnexion en dehors du temps de travail doit être défini au niveau de l’entreprise ou du secteur en question, sous peine de sanctions.

Dans le cadre de cette conférence, nos orateurs Sabrina Alvaro, Counsel et Responsable du département droit du travail et Eric Weber, Senior Associate au sein du département droit du travail, présenteront le cadre juridique applicable en la matière ainsi que des pistes de réflexion pour intégrer le droit à la déconnexion dans les entreprises. Ils partageront également leurs retours d’expérience à la suite de l’entrée en vigueur de la loi et répondront à vos questions pratiques.

Speakers:  Sabrina Alvaro et Eric Weber
Language: Français

20 February 2024 - Adoption of the law on the use of digital tools and processes in company law, feedbacks from a practical standpoint and expected evolution


With the adoption of the law on the use of digital tools and processes in company law (Bill n°7968) by the Luxembourg Parliament on 15 June 2023, the aim was to take Luxembourg a step further towards the digitalisation of the legal landscape, in particular through the use of modern technologies to support companies. After several months of existence, has this new law impacted the legal professions in practice? Have the tools introduced by the law, in particular the notarial electronic exchange platform, been developed since the law was adopted? Have notarial authentic deeds been enacted? The purpose of this presentation is to describe the legal provisions currently in force following the adoption of the law, as well as the practical feedback and implications.

Speakers: Maxime Gilot and Jean Valat
Language: English

16 April 2024 - How to upstream profits: legal and tax aspects

Synopsis: Any shareholder investing in a company will sooner or later look forward to receiving any profit lying in this company. Such profit repatriation may take several forms, each having their own legal and tax constraints. This breakfast will cover notably: what funds are considered distributable, the steps and mechanisms, the corporate tax impact of each kind of distributions and the consequences of noncompliance with distribution rules.
Speakers: Jean-Yves Lhommel (PwC Legal) / Joy Peynet (PwC Legal) / Marie Perfus-Mousselon (PwC Luxembourg) / Victor Mermet (PwC Luxembourg)    
Language: English

7 May 2024 - DORA from a legal and contractual perspective


Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 on digital operational resilience for the financial sector ("DORA") intends to ensure a high common level of digital operational resilience across entities within the financial sector.

DORA regulatory framework will fully apply as from 17 January 2025 and impacted organizations (including most financial companies and ICT third-party providers) must be prepared.

In this webinar, we will navigate the legal challenges and opportunities of DORA implementation. In particular, the following points:

  • Key challenges posed by DORA (and lessons learned so far)
  • Third-party risk management
  • ICT agreements: how to handle new and current agreements?
  • Risks and sanctions
Speakers: Nicolas Hamblenne (PwC Legal) / Mercedes Ferrer Bernal (PwC Legal)
Language: English

9 juillet 2024 - Les Rendez-vous du Secteur Public et de la Santé

Réforme des associations et des fondations : enjeux et challenges

  • 12h - 13h : Accueil et walking lunch
  • 13h - 14h : Introduction par Jacques-Félix WirtzSenior Manager, PwC Luxembourg et Tiphaine GrunyPartner, Assurance, PwC Luxembourg.

Table ronde animée par Lisy CapésiusSenior Manager, Audit, PwC Luxembourg et Joy Peynet, Avocat à la Cour au Barreau de Luxembourg avec la participation de :  

  • Catherine BaflastAvocat à la Cour au Barreau de Luxembourg
  • Daniela RagniDirectrice, André Losch Fondation 


24 January 2023 - Whistleblowing: are you prepared for the future legal framework?


The draft law n°7945 transposing the Whistleblowing Directive 2019/1937 into Luxembourg law has been submitted to the Chamber of Deputies in January 2022. The draft law introduces rules to make sure that necessary and appropriate reporting channels are available for whistleblowing but also that whistle-blowers benefit from an effective protection. The final transposition should be imminent as it should have been done by the end of 2021 already. It will oblige in scope entities to set up an internal reporting channel (and immediately for certain of them). Companies that have not taken any action yet should therefore start thinking about the design of their future Whistleblowing policies and reporting channel.

During this conference, Audrey Rustichelli, Deputy Managing Partner and Head of the Technology and Intellectual Property Department and Sabrina Alvaro, Counsel and Head of the Labour Law Department will present the future legal framework for whistleblowing and the key aspects to consider for the implementation of an effective and compliant internal reporting procedure.

Moving from legal considerations to practice, the participants will have the possibility to have a look at a demonstration of a whistleblowing software and to obtain practical recommendations from Tamara Czetto, Manager in Anti-Financial Crime and Forensics at PwC SC.

Speakers:  Audrey Rustichelli & Sabrina Alvaro
Language: EN

7 March 2023 - Aspects pratiques, retours d’expérience et jurisprudences quatre ans après l'introduction du RBE au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Synopsis: L'objectif de cette présentation est de partager nos expériences pratiques, environ quatre ans après la mise en place du registre des bénéficiaires effectifs au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, qui avait été introduit par la loi du 13 janvier 2019 (la "Loi"). Il s'agira de donner de nouvelles clarifications concernant (i) les critères d'analyse des structures entrant dans le champ d'application de la Loi et (ii) les diverses sanctions à la lumière des évolutions réglementaires et jurisprudentielles en la matière.
Speakers: Marc Albasser, Jean-Baptiste Joannard-Lardant avec la participation de  Charles-Henri De Villedon de Naide de PwC Luxembourg
Language: FR

28 March 2023 - International transfers of personal data : what's new ? And how to conduct a data transfer impact assessment in practice?

Synopsis: During this breakfast session, we will go through the latest changes in terms of international transfers of personal data under the GDPR (new developments of the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and the opinion of the EDPB). We will also take the opportunity to discuss how to prepare and draft the necessary documents such as a data transfer impact assessment in practice.
Speakers: Nicolas Hamblenne
Language: EN

26 April 2023 - Hot Topic - EU reform relating to cross-border merger, division and migration: Where does the EU stand today?


The legal process for cross-border restructuration operations (i.e. mergers, divisions and migrations) is in the course of being significantly changed in the EU and Luxembourg's legal environment is currently being impacted by the bill of law 8053 which aims at transposing the Directive (EU) 2019/2121.

During this presentation, we will discuss the following topics:

  • the main changes to be expected,
  • how the cross-border mergers, divisions and migrations should be conducted as from the implementation of the reform from a Luxembourg legal perspective,
  • Luxembourg tax considerations to be taken into account,
  • the status of the transposition of the Directive in Luxembourg and some EU member states as of today,
  • the practical problems that might arise when two jurisdictions are at a different stage of transposition of the Directive.
Speakers: Mathieu Feldmann, Maxime Gilot & Jean Valat with the participation of Daniel Fajardo and Victor Mermet from PwC SC
Language: EN

23 May 2023 - Liability of managers & directors


The management of a Luxembourg company involves several professional responsibilities for the managers and directors. The role of these executives and the extent of their liability is a sensitive topic given the fluctuating economic context. A proper understanding of what is at stake in terms of liability allows an accurate assessment of the risks involved and the implementation of required precautionary measures through the proper use of existing legal tools.                                                                                                                                                                                   
Within this context, PwC Legal and the tax team of PWC SC have combined their expertise to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the liability of managers & directors of SA/SARL, including the general principles, civil and criminal grounds for liability, liability in an insolvency context and tax liability.

Speakers: Soledad Pascual & Géraldine Felber, PwC Legal, with the participation of François Guyot, PwC SC
Language: EN

29 juin 2023 - Comment sécuriser la rédaction du contrat de travail


« Puis-je valablement insérer une période d’essai en cas d’embauche d’un salarié ayant précédemment travaillé pour une autre société du groupe ? Les clauses de flexibilité et de mobilité géographique sont-elles valables ? Quelles sont les conditions de validité d’une clause de non-concurrence ? Puis-je demander le remboursement d’un « welcome bonus » en cas de départ prématuré de la société » ?
L’objectif de cette conférence est de passer en revue les différentes clauses du contrat de travail à durée indéterminée afin d’identifier les clauses sensibles et sécuriser leur rédaction, en intégrant les derniers développements législatifs et jurisprudentiels.
Cette conférence sera également l’occasion d’analyser les changements qui seront introduits par le projet de loi Nr. 8070 portant transposition de la directive (UE) 2019/1152 du 20 juin 2019 relative à des conditions de travail transparentes et prévisibles dans l'Union européenne, en cours d’examen à la chambre des députés, afin de permettre aux participants d’anticiper les potentielles modifications à apporter à leurs modèles de contrat de travail. 

Speakers: Sabrina Alvaro, Head of practice, Avocat à la Cour au Barreau de Luxembourg, PwC Legal
Language: FR

28 November 2023 - ELTIF 2.0. The time is now


With the new ELTIF regulation coming into force in a few weeks, we will give you an overview of the new opportunities created by this new regulation but also the challenges that remain to be addressed

Speakers: Mathieu Scodellaro and Sébastien Beck
Language: English
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