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Webinars: from 17.30 to 18.30

16 April 2024 - How to upstream profits: legal and tax aspects

Synopsis: Any shareholder investing in a company will sooner or later look forward to receiving any profit lying in this company. Such profit repatriation may take several forms, each having their own legal and tax constraints. This breakfast will cover notably: what funds are considered distributable, the steps and mechanisms, the corporate tax impact of each kind of distributions and the consequences of noncompliance with distribution rules.
Speakers: Jean-Yves Lhommel (PwC Legal) / Joy Peynet (PwC Legal) / Marie Perfus-Mousselon (PwC Luxembourg) / Victor Mermet (PwC Luxembourg)    
Language: English

7 May 2024 - DORA from a legal and contractual perspective


Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 on digital operational resilience for the financial sector ("DORA") intends to ensure a high common level of digital operational resilience across entities within the financial sector.

DORA regulatory framework will fully apply as from 17 January 2025 and impacted organizations (including most financial companies and ICT third-party providers) must be prepared.

In this webinar, we will navigate the legal challenges and opportunities of DORA implementation. In particular, the following points:

  • Key challenges posed by DORA (and lessons learned so far)
  • Third-party risk management
  • ICT agreements: how to handle new and current agreements?
  • Risks and sanctions
Speakers: Nicolas Hamblenne (PwC Legal) / Mercedes Ferrer Bernal (PwC Legal)
Language: English

18 June 2024 - ASBL et fondations : les principaux enjeux pratiques de la réforme


Le droit des associations sans but lucratif, vieux de 95 ans, connait sa plus grande réforme. Un défi pour les ASBL et fondations qui doivent changer leurs statuts, leur gestion comptable et leur gouvernance. Afin de les aider, nos experts avocats (PwC Legal SARL) et comptables (PwC Société Coopérative) vous exposeront concrètement les nouvelles obligations, les actions à entreprendre selon la taille de la structure et les opportunités issues du nouveau régime.

Speakers: Catherine Baflast (PwC Legal) / Joy Peynet (PwC Legal) / Tiphaine Gruny (PwC Luxembourg)
Language: Français

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